Disputes and complaints
Disputes and complaints
If you are not satisfied with our financial advice service you can make a complaint by emailing us charles@mbw.co.nz, or by calling 027 624 5509. You can also write to us at: 34 Bannister Street, Masterton, 5810. When we receive a complaint, we will consider it using our internal complaints process outlined below,
We aim to acknowledge a complaint in writing within two working days of being received. The acknowledgement letter will let you know that your concerns are being looked into and outlines the process that will be followed. The acknowledgement letter will provide a summary as to what the complaint is about so that you have the opportunity to clarify whether or not our understanding of the complaint is correct. We will work to complete our full investigation and internal complaints process within 28 working days.
We look at the details of the complaint and verify that the version of events or information provided align with the documentation held by the business.
We don’t make any presumption at this stage as to what the outcome will be.
- All documentation relating to the complaint is gathered for review.
- All members of the business involved with any aspect of the complaint are spoken to and asked for their recollection of events. This includes requesting any relevant emails.
- A timeline of events is created using the documents on hand.
- A factual account of the events relating to the complaint is prepared based on the documentation.
- A decision is made as to the outcome of the complaint based on the details gathered during the investigation.
Written Response
Once we have completed our investigation, a written response will be prepared and given to you. It will be structured in three parts:
- A brief summary of the complaint
- A summary of what was reviewed when looking into the complaint
- The outcome of the review and final response
It will also provide details of our dispute resolution scheme and explains that you have the option to escalate the complaint if you are not satisfied with the outcome of the response.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome.
If you disagree with the outcome of the complaint and are not satisfied with our response, you can request a letter of deadlock.
A letter of deadlock confirms that we are unable to reach an agreement and allows you to submit your complaint to our dispute resolution scheme so that they can investigate your concerns and reach an independent decision as to how it should be resolved.
Our Approved Dispute Resolution Scheme is:
Financial Dispute Resolution Service
142 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
Telephone: 0508 337 337